Warning: Spoilers follow!
Avengers #19
Say what you will about Brian Micheal Bendis, but I just can't stop loving this book. Unfortunately, Spider-Man and Wolverine aren't on the team anymore, but the Vision...IS! I'm still wondering how it even happened, because isn't the Vision's body with the Young Avengers? Of course, I could be missing something that occurs in Avengers: The Children's Crusade...Also, not a huge fan of Acuna's art, but I guess it could be worse.
Justice League #3
Wonder Woman is a serious badass. She's like a female Thor who works for the US government. I like Cyborg's new origin-not so much blame on his Dad. Most of all, I love Jim Lee's art, which has remained phenomenal throughout this.
Green Lantern #3
This is why I love Green Lantern. Sinestro and Hal Jordan working together is perfect-the positive and the negative, the yin and the yang. Sinestro's chemistry with Hal is perfect. It's a bit like their team-up in Green Lantern: Secret Origin. Doug Mahnke, as usual, draws like the master he is.
Point One
This...wasn't what I expected. Sure, there were good stories-the Dr. Strange and Scarlet Spider stories were the standout-but it just wasn't the "Rosetta Stone of 2012" we were promised. The big hints at 2012's Phoinex storyline, mainly told as a Nova story. Yes, I said Nova. That Nova. Or maybe not That Nova. Actually, I have no idea who this Nova is, how/if he came back, or what the ending meant. If somebody wants to explain it to be, let me know. The Ultron/Avengers story, which I was looking forward to, was a bit hard to see and understand. All we have is Hawkeye and Spider-Man running from some suicide-bombing Ultrons. How they got there and who they're interacting with is never explained. The X-Men stories were decent, but it's not my favorite series.
Avengers Academy #22
This the reason why I love this book. Maybe it wasn't the best decision to divert from the huge cliffhanger and the murder storyline to a Quicksilver/Finesse/Magneto storyline, but it sure turned out great. Sean Chen's art is a bit like a replacement Mick McKone to me (I miss him so much), but it's not something I hate seeing every month. Well, every month before this. This was his last issue. Well, as long as Christos Gage is on this book, I'm sure it'll be great.
Fear Itself #7.2
This has me confused. Very, very confused. Alright. So, when Thor's body is being cerimonially burned in a Asgardian ceremony, Tanarus, Celtic thunder god, rises from his ashes. Suddenly, nobody but Loki remembers Thor...I actually had to read the recap page from the Mighty Thor #7 for that. Apparently, in every memory Thor used to be in, Tanarus is in his place. This makes me wonder...was Tanarus there first, and Thor took his place in everybody's memories?!?!
Fear Itself #7.3
This is why Iove Iron Man. A Fraction-Larroca special is delivered, that being an emotional yet action packed story. While you don't get right into Iron Man's head, you see him question the world around him, and if there is a God, why would he let horrible things like Fear Itself happen? He has a pretty good conversation with Odin, and has some great interactions with the Grey Gargoyle. I want to renew my subscription soooo badly.
Without further ado, I'd like to introduce a new segment on my blog: Solicit reviews! That's right, my take on comics--three months before they even come out! Today' I'll be citing my opinions on cool, bad, or otherwise interesting looking DC Comics coming out in February 2012.
Justice League #6
First of all, Darkseid looks like a badass. I'm can't wait to see what Jim Lee does with the rest of Apokolips. Maybe Orion'll show up. What do you guys think? I'm predicting an epic battle. It'll be the Justice League's first test as a team, and I think Johns and Lee will do a phenominal job.
Justice League International #6
Spoiler alert: the team survives their first battle on a hope and a prayer. I want to like this series so much, but the first issue made it very, very difficult.
Mr. Terrific #6
I was lost on this series when I heard the title.
For all that is just and holy, I hope that Sinestro and Hal end up as partners. It would be such a great dynamic. Whatever happens, though, I'm sure Geoff Johns will continue to rock this series.
Hello all! It's a little late, but here's the list of comics I've bought-and my opinions of them. WARNING: Spoilers follow.
Teen Titans #1
Finally got around to buying this one. It was decent. I've read better comics, but I think I'll wait until I buy the next issue to get a verdict. Oh, crap. I forgot to buy #2...or they were sold out.
Avengers #17
Another comic I needed to put on preorder. If John Romita Jr. is off this title, then I'm glad he went out like this. It was absolutely awesome when Noh-Varr summoned the Iron Man Armory to fight Sin. But I have to admit, I'm really sick of incorrect solicitis. When,exactly, was there any romance between Hawkeye and Spider-Woman in this issue?
Avengers Solo #1
Eh. I'm not a huge fan of this story, but I love Hawkeye. To be honest, I only bought it for Jim McCann's backup, which apparently dosen't have much Hawkeye in it. I won't be back for the next issue. If you want a good Hawkeye story, pick up a Hawkeye and Mockingbird trade.
Avengers Academy #20 & #21
This is definitley one of my favorite comics in existence. Christos Gage is absolutely amazing in these issues, ending an era and beginning a new one. I can't wait to see more from this issue-and just exactly how long Reptil's been "gone."
Annihilators: Earhfall #2
This issue wasn't amazing, much like the miniseries that preceeded it. They're a bit overpowered, and I'm guessing next issue is the "unity" issue. I can't get over the Avengers roster-it's too random! The Thing, Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Valkyrie (?) and Ms. Marvel? This will be explored more in my next blog post. But it's DnA, so I'll be back for the next issue, like I always am.
Fear Itself #7.1
Wow. Just...amazing. You did it, Brubaker. You really did it. This issue is so epic that I won't spoil it for you, but unfortunatley, you may have heard it already. But go out and buy this comic. You'll be very, very shocked and entertained.
After "that kind" of experience this Halloween, I'd like to express my opinion Halloween being a Pagan holiday. To those of you who believe this, I respectfully disagree. You see...Halloween started in Ireland. It was their new year, and they were afraid that dead spirits would return to posess mortal bodies. So, people dressed up to scare away the spirits. If you think about it...Halloween's really anti demon. Comments?