Annihilators: Earthfall #4
It's the final issue of this series, and I have to say...thank goodness. I loved all of Abnett and Lanning's work up until Annihilators. At that point, it became lackluster, boring, and repetitive. The art is horrendous. In the last Annihilators series, Tan Eng Huat's art was sub-par in this series. In this series, however, everything looks wrong. In a previous issue Captain America looked like he had the bone structure of a stereotypical African American character. In this one, Huat pulled a Liefield and gave Iron Man square breasts. Ms. Marvel has gigantic hips. Quasar's quantum bands are gigantic. Also, why does Valkyrie looked scared when she's about to kill a kid version of the Magus. Like Annihilators, the whole series feels like it has no significance, even though it takes place on Earth. That seems to be what happens when you get six super powerhouses on one team. Furthermore, what kind of roster is this for the Avengers: Captain America, Iron Man, Valkyrie, Spider-Man, Wolverine, the Thing, Ms. Marvel, and Red Hulk. What the hell? This is another thing that annoyed me about this series--how they just threw eight random Avengers together, only four of whom are even on the same team! I mean, seriously DnA! If you're going to use the Avengers, choose regular, New, or Secret. ONE TEAM, please!
Defenders #2
This book, on the other hand, is what I'm talking about! While it feels a little shorter than last issue, Defenders #2, like the previous issue, is fantastic. The art is good, even though I'm not a huge Dodson fan. I can already see events from Point One starting to play out. These new Avalonians (?) are characterized well, and have a good reason for wanting to mess up the universe. Iron Fist and Namor, though they don't interact with each other much, are hilarious in their own way.
Avengers Annual #1
Where New Avengers Annual #1 had almost entirely action, Avengers Annual #1 has meaning. There's not a ton of action, but Bendis and Dell'Otto certainly make up for it with a fantastic story and art. We really get into Simon Williams' head. This isn't just a phase-Wonder Man really is insane, in that scary kind of way that almost makes sense. Dell'Otto's art, as I said, is just phenominal. One of my favorite moments was Beast's horror upon seeing what Wonder Man had become.
Avengers Academy #24
As usual, this series is great. The quality of the art has gradually gone down since June 2010, but it's still great. Mike McKone was easily the greatest artist, and my favorites go in order along with the order of the artists, though it certainly dosen't reduce the quality of this great comic. I'm happy to learn more about White Tiger, and I definitley found a little bit of myself in Butterball. I'm happy nobody's died so far (besides Jocasta, that is).